Off the Hook!

OMG, you guys… My hobby and my career have finally come together to form something SUPER exciting! So I’ve probably mentioned somewhere down the road that I’m a librarian. I guess I’m your typical librarian who loves cardigans, coffee, scarves, a good book, and of course crochet. Not a huge fan of cats, but I’ll pet one every once in a while.

But I am finally going  full-blown cliché by starting up my very own crochet club program. Woo woo! I was first intrigued at my last library because we offered a crochet club, and I’ve always wanted to start one here. Welp, now I finally have the time and ambition. So after some heavy name considerations, and trying to choose the perfect, catchy nom de programme (I like to pretend that I still know French…this probably isn’t even grammatically correct) I decided to start up “Off the Hook” Crochet and Knitting Club! It’s a bi-weekly program for crochet and knitting enthusiasts to meet in the library’s Silent Space and work on their project, start a new one, or if you don’t know the first thing about crochet there will *hopefully* be plenty of happy faces to guide you along the way, including myself.

Untitled-1So, if you’re one of my Off the Hook members reading this, HELLO! I can’t wait to get started on October 7 and finally crochet at work without it being frowned upon. Yeeeeaaaaaaah!


Baby Blackhawks Gear!

My fingers have been very busy now that I have so much more free time on my hands! Check out one of the items I’m selling made to order. Any Chicago Blackhawks fans out there?

The pattern for the helmet can be found here and the booties are just a regular bootie with an improvised skate.  I’ll just give you an empty promise of a future pattern 😉

Check out how great my friend’s baby (future Patrick Sharp perhaps??) looks in his helmet and skates!

JCH_9824JCH_9817photo 2


Master of Library Silence

I’M DOOONE. With what, you ask? Well I thought it was a little obvious from the title, but okay. I have completed my Mazter’s Degree in Library and Information Science (that was a typo but I liked the sound of mazter). So I’m a librarian now! Hooray!


My parents are so proud…

And what does that mean? More time for books and crochet! But forget the books, this is a crochet blog. After having a lot of people ask whether or not I have an Etsy shop and deciding that I want to make a little extra money, I’m thinking about opening an Etsy shop. Let’s see how long this idea sticks.

So I have a question for my fellow crafty folks: Do you have advice for me? I have never sold my stuff online except to friends and I’m a little nervous about keeping up with inventory and not being able to fill an order. Little things like that.
But in the mean time, and in-between time, I’m beginning to bang out a supply of coffee mug cozies that are sure to please. Be sure to keep an eye out for them in my future Etsy shop =)




Yes, it’s been a while since I posted last. No, i haven’t had a chance to fulfill all of the promises I made in my last post. But I am here to tell you that, five months later, I finished the American flag afghan! It’s a beauty, for sure.  And my Captain America boyfriend loooves it, as does his dog =).

I won’t lie, I finished it over a month ago, but I haven’t had the time or patience to sit down and blog about it. But we’re on the verge of a blizzard right now and I’m in between homework assignments during Spring break, so what the hell.

I got a lotttt done on our trip down to Memphis, because crocheting makes an 8 hour car ride go by a lot faster! Take my word for it….


The blanket turned out to be a little under 6 ft. long, about 3 1/2 ft wide, so the perfect size for him to curl up with on the couch like he’s been doing every day with it! But he’s not the only one; Midge wanted to stake her claim when I was photographing it, but I sadly had to inform her that it was for Matt.


Already, my mom told me to make one for my Grandma, and a friend is begging me to make him one, but I’m in no hurry to do that all over again. I don’t even think I can recreate it… I winged practically the whole thing and I’m honestly surprised it worked out.. I mean.. I knew what I was doing the whole time! Not. Anywho, here’s the happy camper with a disgusting smile on his face because he finally got his American flag afghan..! I hope my Midwest and East coast friends are staying warm during the Winter storms! And happy March, everyone =)



Busy Busy Busy.. And a Spring time wreath

I don’t know if you could tell or not, but I’ve been busy lately.  Graduate school isn’t fun when the end of the semester comes rolling along.  While working on major projects and trying to keep my 4.0 GPA (let’s see how long that lasts..) I’ve been crafting in between reading, reading, and more reading.  I’ve got a lot to share, but I’ll spread everything out so your brains don’t explode with amazingness.  HA.

Anyway, for the last year or so I’ve been seeing a lot of these fun and simple wreaths all over Craftgawker and Pintrest.  I’ve been wanting to make one myself but never got around to it.


It turned out supah cute and looks lovely against our red front door.  My yarn stash is getting put to good use other than being knotted by a crochet hook.

Since I haven’t posted in a long time, I have LOTSSS to share. But that’s it for now.. Preview for coming attractions: 2 afghans I’m working on, an accessory for my camera, and finding inspiration from a baby book. Stay tuned!


I Feel Special

Oh my! I have a loyal follower! And he nominated me for an award!

I have to admit I blushed a little and it put a smile on my face when I saw my name under his nominations =) This fantastic guy is Mr. Raynor over at The Shy Lion.  I follow his blog as well and he always has something fascinating to say. So thank you, Raynor!!

As per the terms of this Versatile Blogger Award, I have a few rules to follow..

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Not quite the one to always follow in order, and in no particular order of intrigue, first here are seven things aboot myself!

  1. I have lived in the same house all of my 24 years, and have never called any other place than Chicago home.
  2. I shaved my head once! (It was for a good cause; not teenage rebellion)
  3. I buy and hoard classic paperbacks with every intention to read them, but I don’t know when I’ll get around to cracking most of them open
  4. I’m nerdily excited about being on the front lines for literacy as soon as I’m done with my Masters Degree in Library Science and become a school librarian
  5. I’ve always wanted to become a professional photographer, but chose not to go to school for it because I know I would lose some passion
  6. I spend way too much time at the beach, on the boat and in the sun during the summer, and tan lines are my biggest pet peeve
  7. and finally, My absolute biggest, most consuming fear is to lose a limb or any part of my body.. weird?

And now, this is going to be the hardest bit because I’m not sure that I follow 15 bloggers..But shhh I listed 16! But 16 of my favorite blogs, those who are loyal to my blog and blogs I’ve found helpful in the past are as follows (and in no particular order..)

Okay, so that wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.  There are so many great blogs and creative minds broadcasting out there and I wish I had more hours to dedicate to following them more often.  But that is a list everyone should browse because there is a lot of amazing content there! Keep this going, don’t keep this going, I don’t caaare.. I just felt honored that I was mentioned so I wanted to make someone else feel supah special too.

ANYWHOOOO, I’ve been very busy lately! Granny square baby afghan, planning another baby afghan, more amigurumi, Easter/Spring decorations.. So much to update you on! But I’ll save it for another day.


What I’ve Been Doing Lately

Since my last post about the beard hats, I’ve been obnoxiously busy with school work and crochet orders, but I’m not complaining. I love hearing feedback about all of the items I make and it makes me smile when someone loves something so much they want one for their own! So I want to take a second to say thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to place an order and bump up my “business.”

I don’t really have anything super exciting to post about, but I do want to show off share the lovely things I’ve been creating lately aaaand brag about my new crochet hooks my friend Nick was so generous to buy me as a Christmas gift (they took forever to come through the mail!) So here’s what I’ve been up to:

My grandma bought me some fun beads that look like berries — Can’t wait to find a cute project for these!

I’ve been dealing with an adorable nuisance while cranking out lots of ginger colored beards for the upcoming South Side Irish Parade here in Chicago

Had a few orders for the “Boho” style headband I posted about a while ago.

Started making and mass producing a new coffee mug cozy that can also be used for travel mugs. I’m obsessed with these little guys!

Finally finished my first attempt at leg warmers. I’d say they were a success! A friend of mine showed me a picture she found on Pintrest (I wish I could link it but I have no idea where she found it!) and asked if I could recreate them. I may just make a pair for myself…

Aaaaaand finally, my new obsession – my new bamboo crochet hooks! Nick bought them for me for Christmas and they finally came in the mail from Singapore. I never knew what was the big deal about bamboo hooks. But, they’re super soft and light weight compared to the metal hooks I’ve been using, and they just feel really nice to work with. Thank you, Nick!

So that’s about it… School work, insane amounts of reading, fulfilling crochet orders, and filling the left over time with friends. What have you been filling up your time with lately??



DIY Wine Cork Stamp: A Personalized Touch

Hey, Kids! I’ve got something for you! Lately I’ve been tossing around different ideas for branding my crochet goodies and have been trying different ideas for adding tags to my hats, headbands, scarves, etc. I decided that making my own stamp and stamping out tags would fit best with my “hand made” ideology. So I made a stamp and bought a fabric ink pad, and because it worked oh so well I thought I would share the idea with you! So here goes my *gasp* VERY FIRST TUTORIAL! Bare with me.. it’s not perfect but you’ll get the gist.

What will you need?

  • Wine cork – actual cork material works best; try to stay away from the foamy material like I used here (it’s all I had on hand) or else you’ll have a lot of holes in your stamp. But if that’s the look you’re going for then go for it!
  • Exacto knife
  • Scissors – I didn’t use these for the stamp in this tutorial but if you don’t have an exacto knife, sewing scissors work well; they just aren’t as precise as the blade.
  • Tissue paper – Color doesn’t matter..
  • Pen – Try to use an ink pen like the one in the photo, not a ball point. You’ll need the ink to bleed through the tissue paper and transfer onto the cork.

1: Cut the cork to size

For this stamp I will just be making a tiny heart to stamp on small pieces of shoe lace, so I used a knife to cut 1/3 of the cork off. I will be using the inside area of the cork as my stamp. Essentially I can get 3 small stamps out of this one cork.

2: Make an outline on the cork so you know what area you’ll have to work with.

Because my shoe lace is thin, I need to know how big to make my heart so it will fit onto the shoe lace. I laid the shoe lace on the cork and used that as a guide to how big I could make my heart.

3a: Draw your shape inside of your outline

I free handed a teeny heart for my stamp =)

3b: If you want to use more of a difficult stamp pattern such as lettering…

Use your pen and tissue paper to draw or write your desired pattern. I used my initials as an example. Cut the tissue down to size so it’s easy to lay over the cork. Flip the piece of tissue paper over so you see the backwards image of your text or image. Because I used an ink pen rather than a ball point pen, the ink bleeds through to the other side making it easy to see the text or image.

3c: Lay your tissue paper on top of the cork and trace the image or text using your pen.

Make sure you go over the image 2 or 3 times so the ink will bleed through and transfer onto the cork. You’ll end up with a faint image like this:

4: Back to my heart.. Use the exacto knife to first cut away outside of your outline. Please don’t cut yourself!!!

The outline is helpful here because you can basically whittle your way down to the true stamp shape. Start by cutting along your outline and then cut around the cork perpendicular to your cuts. You’ll end up with this:

5: Cut away the excess until your image/text  is left

Here is where the precision comes in.. You need to be a little more precise with text, and that’s where an exacto knife comes in handy.

6: Stamp away!!

I hope this was easy enough to follow.. After all, it is my first tutorial! If you will be stamping on fabric you’ll need a fabric ink pad. VersaCraft is a great brand and comes in lots of fun colors. I found mine on eBay for around $7. If you’re using this ink, make sure you let the stamped fabric dry over night and heat set it. Lay a piece of fabric over your stamped fabric and use a hot iron back and forth for about a minute. Once the ink is heat set it will be permanent and can be washed without the ink washing off.

I made another stamp for my crochet tags. This was before I bought a new exacto knife so I used sewing scissors to cut away at the cork. The lines aren’t as clean but it works just fine and I kind of like the imperfect look of it!

Now that I have tags on my hand made goodies I kind of feel legit! I love how the small tag looks and the hand made stamp just adds to the hand made beauty of a crocheted hat or scarf. My thoughts are that the more love and thought you put into your work, the more it will be loved and cherished by whoever receives it =) Now, to what will you add your personal touch??


Cuddles and Crochet

Fa la la la….Oh hey, there! Sorry, just taking in the sweet bliss that is Christmas break. This of course means a break from school and now dedicating most of my day to catching up on all of the junk I haven’t had time for in the past 4 months. It also means that Christmas is.. wait for it.. less than a week away and I have WAY too much to get done. So in the spirit of being overwhelmed and having completely neglected this blog in almost 2 weeks, I’ll grace your day with a short, fluffy and cuddly post.

Ever found a skein of yarn has mysteriously popped out from its place? Find a ball of yarn plucked and pulled across the room? Do you have a cat? As cliché as a cat playing with a ball of yarn is, I can’t help but warm up inside every time my calico kitty paws at the yarn I’m working with.  As much as I want to shoo her off the bed and stop grabbing at the colorful strand that is more enticing than catnip, I let her play because it’s too darn cute.  I also always find that a yarn ball seems to come loose from its shelf and somehow gets strewn around my room.  My sister’s dachshund is another unbelievably cute story.  Midge is the biggest cuddle bug among cuddlers to the point that it’s stupid. She always has to be next to someone… So it never surprises me when I’m working on a project and she jumps up next to me, looks me in the eyes and seems to say, “Hello, I’m here to be your warming pad on this chilly Winter day! Get ready to snuggle.” And then she proceeds to push my yarn out of my lap with her nose and plop down in its place.  Yesterday I sat down to bang out a chunk of my Christmas gifts for the family and she found her spot in the midst of all the (cheap Red Heart *don’t judge me, I’m trying to use it up*) yarn I had on the couch with me.

So here are some photos.  As annoying as my animals can be while tugging the yarn out of my hands, they’re too adorable to keep to myself.  And really.. Is there anything better than snuggling up with your furry friend and relaxing? I didn’t think so.


Caught in the act of pulling yarn from its nook..

Keeping me company while I make coffee mug cozies. Bored to death obv.